So my day had just begun and already I had been jumped on, sneezed on and drawn all over. Somehow my kids are bouncing off the walls as if someone snuck into my home and gave them each a big ball of sugary Cotton candy. We make our way down stairs where the sun peaks through the blinds and the chill of the house awaits us. I am rubbing my eyes, trying to wake up. Breakfast, what to make for breakfast? "cereal" the kids reply with out a second to spare. "We want Lucky Charms" and so the battle for Lucky Charms begins. Logan starts giving me reasons why he NEEDS Lucky Charms with his side kick sister yelling "yeah". It's two to one and well, frankly they can get pretty convincing. Do I want to hear them scream for an hour or just give them a little bit of this darn marshmallow cereal. So much for the eggs and toast, pancakes or oatmeal....there's no way to get them to eat that when Lucky Charms is in front of them. Thanks to daddy our pantry is filled with sugary cereal, sure to wreck havoc on any hope for a calm day.
I have become quite good at juggling.....multitasking that is. Breakfast is done and getting dressed, doing art, playing with toys and running around outside is all done while nursing a two month old. I'm up the stairs only to run down them and up them again. I'm cleaning up toys only to find another bucket of toys dumped out. I have lead excursions to find dinosaurs and unicorns. I have built forts meant for kings and swam through moats to get there.
Nap time, yay!!! I say it with a smile as I watch my kids faces begin to shift from happy to mad. "NOOOO" they scream, and before I know it they're running inside the house in opposite directions. I become alert; capturing them like fish on a line. I'm reeling them in and before they know it I have them in my arms being tickled until they cry with laughter. Nap time is my time to get things done around the house: dishes, laundry, dusting etc. If I have a little more time I do homework or blog. Nap time is a must and I have to get them in bed before they past the nap time hour and enter the "overly tired-cant sleep at all" phase. Success!! They are all asleep!

Before I know it my daughter is up, calling my name and greeting me with a smile. I can't help but to smile back, reach out my arms and hold her. I hear footsteps upstairs in one of the rooms....then downstairs. Logan is peeking his head around the corner. "Come here" I say with a smile....I guess it's a "no nap" day. Darn. So here I am, back to the dinosaurs, unicorns and play-doh. Time is no longer important since the days seem to fly by and before I know it's time for dinner. Dinner is being made with my lil' chef's. I reach for an ingredient and before I can get to it my daughter has tossed it on the floor. Fantastic. The front door opens and in comes Logan and Bella's hero. Daddy is here and the kids are ecstatic. I greet my husband, place dinner on the table and then vanish. The great Houdini has nothing on me. I slipped away leaving no trace behind. How sweet it is to have silence. A moment that is meant for nothing. No rushing, needing, wanting or doing. Just peaceful, even if it's just a moment. I hear someone coming....darn, they found me! "What are you doing, Hun?" My husbands face looked confused while also looking as if he's at the brink of busting up in laughter. "Why are you in the closet?" ......"I needed a time out" I said with a smile. My kids followed behind their daddy giggling and being playful as they should be. How lucky I am to have such a wonderful family, a family that looks for me if I am gone for 15 minutes!! special I feel. As much as I need a "time out" I can't be in hiding for too long. Being with my husband and kids is where I want to matter how bad a moment of silence is needed!
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