Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Let's begin!

Finally, my blog has come to fruition. I have been wanting to start a blog for some time now, allowing me to express my feelings on motherhood and what has and has not worked for me. I am looking forward to sharing my experiences as a mother. Being a mother is wonderful and nothing in this world compares to it but on the same token it can be overwhelming and exhausting. But holding my children in my arms, seeing them smile and hearing them giggle is what makes life so amazing and those overwhelming, exhausting moments worth while. I am enjoying the ride and taking each day at a time. This is especially difficult for me since I tends to be a bit overly compulsive in achieving some aspect of perfection. I have often times worried about making sure the children are bathed everyday, house is spotless, dinner always ready by 6pm, etc. Now, I am trying to let things go and truly enjoy the "messy side" to mothering.

Being a mother to three amazing children I realize how much my children have taught me and how it has molded me into the person I am today. I went from a selfish, scared, new mother to a selfless, confident mother of three. I have become more patient and calm. I have learned the tricks to making shopping trips with my kids possible with out pulling half of my hair out. I have discovered great activities to do with my kids that keep them busy and me sane. I love being a mommy but let's face it....we need to survive it as well!

I look forward to all of the growth that will transpire from our precious duties of motherhood. This spiritual trajectory that we are being taken on is what makes life momentous and full of depth. Each day we live is a day not wasted and I intend to do so, with absolute gratitude for the life I have and the life I might touch.


  1. Cheri,
    I love your blog! I am always in awe of mothers who can handle more than one child. I commend you for your dedication and your love for your children. I will be checking in to learn from you and maybe let you in on what older kids do (hence, my 10 yr old)

    xo, Erika

  2. Erika,
    Thank you! Yes, please fill me in on what to expect with older children because I am totally clueless lol!=)
