Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Hunger Games Trilogy

Much time has passed since my last post. Busy days have made weeks blend together and before I know it spring is already coming to a close as summer's knocking at my door. No matter how busy I've been or how heavy, blood shot and undeniably tired my eyes are, I just can't help but read a good book. Or in this case, good books. The Hunger Games was recommended to me by a stranger standing next to me in the book isle of Target. As I hemmed and hawed at all the options the lady to my right seemed to notice my frustration as I tried to find something appealing to read. "You should read The Hunger Games trilogy. You will love it" she said. Why not? I told myself and I'm so glad I did.

 I'm a big fan of Suzanne Collins books. Although the writing is simple and easy to follow it is the intricate concept that makes this book a page turner. From the moment you start reading the first book you are immediately intrigued with what will happen next. Suzanne does a great job keeping her readers continuously entertained while still maintaining a fluid story line, natural growth of relationships between characters and descriptive moments that allow you to picture each detail in your mind.

Each book had a surprising factor. There's something is each book that leaves your jaw dropped a little and maybe even a little gasp here and there. You fall in love with certain characters, your angry with certain characters and you hate with passion at certain characters just as "the girl on fire" does. The only thing that I would tell you with concern is that you will not want to put the book down. No matter how important of a day you might have ahead or how tired you might be you will not be able to put these books down. On that note, read with caution!=)

If you haven't read the books yet, definitely do. I believe that the odds of you pleasantly devouring each book is ever in your favor!

1 comment:

  1. I agree!!! A great set of books for sure. Just like the Twilight series, I couldn't put them down!
