Saturday, June 9, 2012

Home Alone!!!

My house is quiet. Yes, absolutely quiet. I can hear the birds outside, the fridge running, the quick tapping of my keyboard. Why is it so quiet in my home, you ask? Well, daddy decided to take the kids to the park and that leaves me ALL ALONE!! It's amazing how strange it feels to be "kid free". I'm almost positive that any second one of my kids will ask for something to drink or complain about the other one taking his or her toys. I wait for the screaming and yelling to take place but nothing. Nada. Zip.

My mind is running with idea's of what to do....gym? Shopping? Cleaning (BOO)....... I feel like I've won a prize and have yet to claim it. So, what in the world shall I do?? Do other mom's have this problem? That when left completely alone you have no idea what to do? My children are with me everyday so it feels pretty foreign when they're not with me. While I'm sitting here thinking of all the things I could do I realize that sleeping hasn't crossed my mind yet. Sweet, wonderful, uninterrupted SLEEP! How about I do nothing but stay in my jammies, curl up in bed and close my eyes...guilt free.

I think many of us mom's feel guilty if we're not "getting things done" but we need and deserve the extra R&R. Let the dishes sit in the sink a little longer and let the toys lay scattered on the ground. De-stress and enjoy what I'm about to enjoy. SLEEP.

Goodnight...uh, I mean day? ...GOOD SLEEP!;)

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