Monday, June 13, 2011


Every night I tell myself the same thing..."this is the night I'm going to bed early", and every night I end up looking at the clock, rubbing my blood shot eyes, and shrieking at the fact that it's past 2am. For some reason I just can't get to bed early. Don't get me wrong...I WANT to go to bed early. As a matter of fact I day dream about it all day long; tucking myself into my cozy bed, relaxing and drifting off into the land of Zzzz's is what I look forward to. As we all know, a parents job is never done and although we try to stay on some sort of schedule, things change all the time and my hopes of going to bed before the sun even goes down is a more distant possibility than I acknowledged.

Our evenings are insane. I'm not sure if you all can agree, but once it hits 5pm all Hell breaks loose in my house!! It's almost as if the kids have some type of clock set into them, signaling when it' 5pm and when it's time to drive me insane. The baby is screaming for food, my daughter just decorated my floor with juice and my son is annoyed that I haven't fetched him a glass of milk quick enough. All the while I am dreaming of my jammies, sneaking into my warm bed and falling asleep. Nope....not tonight, because after dinner it's bath time and then after bath time is story time and after story time is a million questions as to why they should have to go to sleep and a million answers why I NEED them to go to sleep. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Once the circus has ended I creep back down stairs and start my own personal work. Almost like clock work the monitor goes off and my 6mo has woken up and demands me to put him back to sleep...there goes another 30 minutes to an hour away from my work.

Some of you might be wondering where my husband is during all of this. Well, I could say he's passed out on the couch as I'm running ragged BUT that's not true. My husband deserves a lot of credit since he does help me with everything from dinner to bathing the kids to putting them to bed. He usually hits the pillow long before I do...lucky hubby. So, here I am...awake in the middle of the night, working on special concoctions or sometimes writing, as my house if full of the gentle rumble of snoring. Once my eyes have become far to heavy to keep open I grab my water and head to bed. The feeling I have when I hit the pillow is beyond why can't I fall asleep?!?!? AHHHHH I'm tired but I can't sleep....all I hear is TICK TOCK TICK TOCK......the minutes are melting into hours and before I know it my phone reads 3:30AM. I think there might be a lot of mom's out there that can relate....usually it's late at night when we take care of things and more often then not we are too wired to doze off. I'm going to try to get to bed early though, even if I'm wide awake, starring at a blank ceiling. It gets lonely at 3am ya' know.

1 comment:

  1. Awww Sis, I wish you could get more rest. I don't know how you make it through your day with only like 4 hours of sleep. I would be a train wreck! I am unfortunately super selfish about sleep. I put things on hold to get to bed at a decent time and try to get at least 7-8 hours of rest if not more. But I am sure you get far more accomplished at night than I do. I guess we all make sacrifices right? I just hope you don't put your health on the line because of too little rest.
