Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I love my new home but I might get knocked out before the end of this year:

I said knocked out NOT knocked up…for all of you doing a double take reading title=)

My new home is great. It’s spacious, new upgrades and best of all awesome neighbors but there just might be a downfall to this picture perfect set. When I first moved into the home I met one of my neighbors. A wonderful couple and their pooch greeted me with open arms. We talked for a bit and then the women asked me if I had encountered any golf balls yet. Our backyard faces a golf course and although that sounds great; nice view, no neighbors directly behind us, there is a bit of a danger with this. I started looking around our backyard and noticed that we had TONS of golf balls sitting all over our grass. My friendly neighbor told me to watch out for golf balls flying into my yard and potentially knocking someone out. At that very moment 2 golf balls flew over my house and onto my front yard. Ok, now I know nothing about golf but how bad do you have to SUCK in order to hit a ball onto someone’s front lawn….mind you, my front lawn is NOT facing the gold course!!!! I don’t know the entire “lingo” for golfing but the area where you hit the ball (trying to make it into the green (?)) is no where near my home. Anyway, the point I’m trying to make is that it’s strange that balls land in my front lawn.

My backyard is another story….I assume it will start raining golf balls and if it does I’ll be right there, basket in hand, catching every single one of them. One day, while sitting in the backyard with the kids, I noticed that a cart was coming in our direction. Two older guys were in it and seemed to be looking for their ball. No biggie. It wasn’t until they opened their mouths that things got….uncomfortable. “Hey, there…have you seen our balls?” the driver said to me…..he was seriously asking this. I paused for a second, looked him in the eyes and said “nope, I haven’t seen….your balls”. Is this not just weird?! Okay, I’m not trying to be a kid and laugh at such a silly thing but I was laughing....A LOT…. to myself….deep inside. So after that situation occurred I noticed that we had a new addition to our ball collection. Someone had just hit a ball over and I happily placed it into my basket. Should I sell these balls to naggy golfers looking to annoy me, yet entertain me with their useless “have you seen my balls” banter? Nah…..I will usually throw it back to them IF their nice=)

So my backyard experience has so far been good. I hadn’t been knocked out yet and most importantly my kids were safe…..everything seemed to be okay UNTIL a ball came flying over almost hitting me!!! <GASP> what the heck?!? I looked around, searching for someone to catch. No one was around just the distant sound of “FOUR”. How am I supposed to release my furry if I have no one to do it to?? I could have been knocked out but MOST importantly my kids could have been hurt!! I make it known that if my kids are hurt then I morph into one nasty person. A nasty person I would advise no one to see. Luckily we have something we can roll down that kind of barricades the patio. It’s not that bad but I definitely have to be on the look out and if a ball comes flying my way then it better be flying into a bush.;)

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