My kids fell asleep at 8pm! I kids fell asleep at 8pm!!! This is a big deal for me since my kids like to find every possible way to stay up later then they should. "I need water", "I have to pee" and "there's a bug on me" are regular things said to try and get a few more minutes awake. I don't get it. I don't understand how any child wants to fight sleep. I can understand if a kid has napped for a long time or napped late in the day and just can't fall asleep but when I look at my kids, rubbing their blood shot red eyes, after running wild all day, I just know that if I got them to put their head on the pillow they would knock out. Each night it's the same routine for the most part. We finish dinner and try to get up stairs by 7:45-8pm. All of a sudden, once it sets in that mom and dad are getting them off to dream land, my kids start acting crazy as if someone handed them pixie sticks and cotton candy. One kid is bouncing on the bed, the other kid is running in circles laughing and the baby is crying. Great times! I find myself formulating a plan on how to end the madness but sadly enough my plan often fails. Tonight was different though. Tonight was smooth and easy. I was almost like a super hero with super hero powers. I had eyes in the back of my head, catching the mischief that was behind me. I could fly; soaring across the room to diffuse a scuffle and bring calmness to a house that normally is engulfed in total chaos.
My husband planned to make dinner while I got them to sleep that way we could actually have a moment to talk and sip some vino. I amazed him that I came down stairs 10 minutes later. Even though we usually eat with the kids it was nice to eat later, in absolute quite. We whispered, trying to not wake the kids, as if we were high school students trying not to wake our parents during a forbidden midnight rendezvous. My husband made Korean short ribs and rice and for once I was able to actually enjoy my meal, tasting all of the flavors of the food instead of quickly inhaling what I could. Normally we would still have little voices in our ears telling us a million reasons why they need to be up and that they would be SO happy if we let them. As much as I try to be firm with the bed time routine I can't help but to laugh at their efforts and sometimes find myself sitting up in bed with them pretending to be a race car driver, falling behind my son and daughter winning first place. Although I cherish these times I know it's important to have time alone with my husband and so we try to make early bedtimes happen.
Not only do we try and make bed times early but recently our bed sharing has changed as well. My two oldest children have graduated from mom and dads bed to their own. I was terrified to let this happen but knew that it was time for the change. We have co-slept since our four yr old was a baby and so I felt as comfortable with it as the kids. I was use to waking to their faces next to me, feeling their breath as they exhaled. I was use to the warmth of their little bodies and the gentle sounds of snoring. I was also use to the kicking and squirming and although I didn't mind too much it is the increasingly growing body of my four year old that made me realize a change was needed. When he kicked it hurt and when he rolled over it was usually on me. "I think it's about time" my husband said as he pointed to my sons room. And so it happened.....My kids beds were placed beside each other, so they would feel comfortable being away from mom and dad, and I tucked them in. It was a bittersweet moment for me. They are surprisingly doing well being in their room and I think that I'm probably having the harder time. So now if I can get them in their room consistently, have them fall asleep early...consistently AND find a way to not have difficulty with this change things will be great!! Tonight went smooth and I loved the fact that it did but tomorrow may be a replay of pixie stick and cotton candy eating kids and a mom desperately trying to get them to fall asleep. Whatever tomorrows night time schedule brings I'll be ready for it....or at least I hope I'll be.
This blog (formally known as "Surviving Motherhood: Early Years") share's personal stories, DIY tips and much more! I hope you enjoy!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Oh, what a day...
When I woke up this morning I just knew it was gonna be a doozy. The kind of day where everything is out of place, complete chaos and me frazzled and frantic. Yup, I had one of those days. I woke up late, somehow sleeping through my phone alarm which was placed right next to my head. I had less than 30min to get three kids dressed, fed and into the car. This would be a challenge I was NOT up for. Of course the mornings that you want the kids up and ready for the day are the mornings that they are knocked out, drooling on the pillow, snug as a bug. Finally after getting them up the chaos really began. The kids were screaming through the house, chasing after each other and throwing toys around. I was literally playing a game of "catch me if you can" and let me tell you they are faster than they look!
Breakfast is always a difficult time but not as chaotic as dinner. Getting my kids to eat is like getting our Dachshund to stop barking.....impossible. I have asked the pediatrician time and time again whether or not my children seem malnourished. They just don't eat, or not as nearly as much as I would think they would want to for how active they are. Every time the doctor assures me they are fine and that they will eat when they are hungry. Growing up food is what my family related to; big dinners and eating until your shirt buttons popped off was expected. Healthy, right? I know that stuffing yourself isn't healthy but not eating can't be good either yet they do eat when they want, they thrive and their activity level has definitely not decreased. Anyway, breakfast was a big ordeal and ultimately ended with spilled orange juice on the floor and my 2yr old daughter walking in it with her clean socks.
"We are going to be late" should have became my personal bumper sticker. I said it a million times yet it really didn't mean anything to my kids. They laughed, smeared food in the carpet, spilled juice and ran around for me to chase after them as I had a deep rooted, well hidden panic attack. Finally the kids were in the car and with a sigh of relief we were off. Smooth sailing from here and I was feeling a bit better as if the day was gonna be alright. I dropped my son off at school and headed to run some errands with my other two kids. The events that happened next were truly the grand finale of craziness. I had parked my car in a parking lot with plenty of parking. There were spots not only on either sides of my car but most everywhere else. As I am getting ready to get out a huge SUV parks on my right side and parks so close I was shocked that the driver was able to get out. I didn't get a chance to ask him to move because it wasn't until I left my seat and walked over to get my 3 month old that I realized how close he really was. I had to get my daughter first so that I could place her in the cart since I would have my son in a baby carrier and wouldn't be able to lift her. So, I did exactly that and had her in the cart and moved her over to the side my 3 month old was on and had her as close to me as I could. As I leaned into the car to get my son I had a weird urge to quickly look back at my daughter. The cart was rolling away! Yes, ROLLING AWAY! I was shocked that the cart could even roll away so easily since I wedged it up against my car and the car door but I assume my daughter pushed off the car with her feet. I had some super powers in me today because I leaped over to my daughter as if I had a trampoline catapulting me in her direction. She didn't get far but it was scary and something that I have never had happen. All the while my daughter was laughing having a good ol' time.
Here comes the best part of the day.....When we return to our car, after the errands were done, I start loading the items I purchased and got the kids all buckled in. I had shut all the doors and was ready to get into the drivers seat and go get my oldest from preschool. When I lifted the handle to my door I realized it was locked (my car has automatic lock and sometimes locks for safety of someone trying to open either side door). ALL the doors were locked. I did what any frazzled, crazed mother would do...panic... something that does no good for anyone. Long story short, an amazingly nice women offered her phone (my purse-with my phone- was locked in the car) and stayed with me until the fire dept came. By the way, I am totally shocked that the fire dept was called for this but I am extremely grateful I got help and so quickly too. My kiddos were fine and I only had a few heart attacks.
I have to say that just when I think that there are very few people in this world that care about what someone else is going through or is just plain mean I meet someone that is so kind and selfless; giving up their time to help me. This women left her shopping to come with me outside and help me relax while I waited for help. I am very grateful for her act of kindness.
Today was definitely "one of those days" but I also learned quite a bit from today as well. I learned that messes will happen (I need to give up on keeping cheerios from being disbursed all over the floor), sometimes it's okay to wear boots, sweats, a tutu and mommies hat out in public-per my daughters request, if you see a shopping cart rolling down the street it might be my kid, ALWAYS keep your car keys on you, even if you have to tape a spare set to your forehead and last but certainly NOT least...kind people are still out there. Now that the day has come to an end I am snugly in my bed, typing away listening to 4 other people snoring. I LOVE IT! Makes today all worth it.
Breakfast is always a difficult time but not as chaotic as dinner. Getting my kids to eat is like getting our Dachshund to stop barking.....impossible. I have asked the pediatrician time and time again whether or not my children seem malnourished. They just don't eat, or not as nearly as much as I would think they would want to for how active they are. Every time the doctor assures me they are fine and that they will eat when they are hungry. Growing up food is what my family related to; big dinners and eating until your shirt buttons popped off was expected. Healthy, right? I know that stuffing yourself isn't healthy but not eating can't be good either yet they do eat when they want, they thrive and their activity level has definitely not decreased. Anyway, breakfast was a big ordeal and ultimately ended with spilled orange juice on the floor and my 2yr old daughter walking in it with her clean socks.
"We are going to be late" should have became my personal bumper sticker. I said it a million times yet it really didn't mean anything to my kids. They laughed, smeared food in the carpet, spilled juice and ran around for me to chase after them as I had a deep rooted, well hidden panic attack. Finally the kids were in the car and with a sigh of relief we were off. Smooth sailing from here and I was feeling a bit better as if the day was gonna be alright. I dropped my son off at school and headed to run some errands with my other two kids. The events that happened next were truly the grand finale of craziness. I had parked my car in a parking lot with plenty of parking. There were spots not only on either sides of my car but most everywhere else. As I am getting ready to get out a huge SUV parks on my right side and parks so close I was shocked that the driver was able to get out. I didn't get a chance to ask him to move because it wasn't until I left my seat and walked over to get my 3 month old that I realized how close he really was. I had to get my daughter first so that I could place her in the cart since I would have my son in a baby carrier and wouldn't be able to lift her. So, I did exactly that and had her in the cart and moved her over to the side my 3 month old was on and had her as close to me as I could. As I leaned into the car to get my son I had a weird urge to quickly look back at my daughter. The cart was rolling away! Yes, ROLLING AWAY! I was shocked that the cart could even roll away so easily since I wedged it up against my car and the car door but I assume my daughter pushed off the car with her feet. I had some super powers in me today because I leaped over to my daughter as if I had a trampoline catapulting me in her direction. She didn't get far but it was scary and something that I have never had happen. All the while my daughter was laughing having a good ol' time.
Here comes the best part of the day.....When we return to our car, after the errands were done, I start loading the items I purchased and got the kids all buckled in. I had shut all the doors and was ready to get into the drivers seat and go get my oldest from preschool. When I lifted the handle to my door I realized it was locked (my car has automatic lock and sometimes locks for safety of someone trying to open either side door). ALL the doors were locked. I did what any frazzled, crazed mother would do...panic... something that does no good for anyone. Long story short, an amazingly nice women offered her phone (my purse-with my phone- was locked in the car) and stayed with me until the fire dept came. By the way, I am totally shocked that the fire dept was called for this but I am extremely grateful I got help and so quickly too. My kiddos were fine and I only had a few heart attacks.
I have to say that just when I think that there are very few people in this world that care about what someone else is going through or is just plain mean I meet someone that is so kind and selfless; giving up their time to help me. This women left her shopping to come with me outside and help me relax while I waited for help. I am very grateful for her act of kindness.
Today was definitely "one of those days" but I also learned quite a bit from today as well. I learned that messes will happen (I need to give up on keeping cheerios from being disbursed all over the floor), sometimes it's okay to wear boots, sweats, a tutu and mommies hat out in public-per my daughters request, if you see a shopping cart rolling down the street it might be my kid, ALWAYS keep your car keys on you, even if you have to tape a spare set to your forehead and last but certainly NOT least...kind people are still out there. Now that the day has come to an end I am snugly in my bed, typing away listening to 4 other people snoring. I LOVE IT! Makes today all worth it.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
FREE Cloth Diapers!!!
The Cloth Diaper Foundation is accepting applications for assistance in receiving FREE Cloth Diapers to families that are in need. Times are tough and the CD Foundation knows it and wants to make it possible for families to CD. Even though CDing is a lot cheaper than disposable it is the initial cost that can scare people away. It is easy to spend $150-600 plus dollars on CDs and the supplies that come with it (detergents, pail, liners, wet bags etc). If you (or someone you know) are interested in CDing then check out and see if you qualify!!
The Cloth Diaper Foundation is accepting applications for assistance in receiving FREE Cloth Diapers to families that are in need. Times are tough and the CD Foundation knows it and wants to make it possible for families to CD. Even though CDing is a lot cheaper than disposable it is the initial cost that can scare people away. It is easy to spend $150-600 plus dollars on CDs and the supplies that come with it (detergents, pail, liners, wet bags etc). If you (or someone you know) are interested in CDing then check out and see if you qualify!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Entering The World Of Cloth Diapering
In a world of disposable diapers, cloth diapers seem to be something of the past....or so we think. I have been amazed by the popularity of CDing and how many, playfully, describe it as an "obsession". I have always wanted to CD and in the back of my mind I had it all planned out as to how I would go about getting everything and what it would be like. unfortunately, I became overwhelmed by the thought and figured it was a lot harder than I could handle while having my first born, going to school, working and keeping up with laundry. With my second child I had thought about it but fell back into the comfort of disposable. Now, I have my third child that is almost 3 months old and I finally followed through with my desire to CD.
I owe a big thank you to Tiffany Encino, a baby carrying, breastfeeding, home birthing and cloth diapering mama. She gave me all the info I would need and was very encouraging. She told me how much of everything I would most likely need and recommended a boutique that would have a great selection and amazing customer service. Rosie Posie Baby, a small boutique in Anaheim CA, was Tiffany's recommendation and my selection for my CD purchase.
Before coming into the store I called Rosie Posie and spoke with Rose. I told her I was new to the CDing world and wasn't sure what I wanted to get, how to cloth diaper and how much I could get for my budget. Rose was great! She had me email her with all the items I was interested in off of her website and the budget I wanted to stay in. I did exactly that and Rose gave me a package that was tailored to my exact needs.
My first impression of Rosie Posie was that this cute but small shop couldn't possibly carry everything that I would need...boy was I wrong. This cozy, hip boutique was filled with tons of goodies from cloth diapers and covers to baby carriers, clothes, shoes, detergent and more. Their saying, "Everything Healthy & Good for Your Baby" is absolutely true when looking around this store. Organic, eco friendly supplies makes this boutique a perfect match for any "earthy" mama OR papa. I was in heaven looking around at all of the items: Petunia Pickle Bottom bags, Ergo, Moby (and more) carriers, adorable onsies, shoes, and the amazing assortments of cloth diaper covers. There were plenty of colors and designs to choose from when picking the diaper cover for my little one. As I talked with Rose about my selection my kids were running wild as daddy was chasing after them. Rose offered the back area of her store which was stocked with toys and had plenty of room to play in. This was definitely a family friendly environment and it made shopping a lot easier.
Cloth diapering is very new to me and I assume it will take some time before I feel completely comfortable with it but so far things are going pretty good and the cute covers with it's velcro and snaps make each diaper changing session enjoyable. How could you not love the adorable designs on the covers?! I could easily buy tons of different covers but thankfully I had my husband there to keep me from going overboard. So far I feel the most comfortable using the "snappi" which keeps the prefold in place by grippers. The "old school" look of the pins and cloth are adorable but it's going to take some time for me to master this. I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised as to how easy cloth diapering is or at least how easy it is compared to what I had originally thought. Here is a YouTube video that demonstrates cloth diapering:
A few other websites to check out are:
I will have to keep you all updated on my cloth diapering adventure. As for now things are great and I'm really glad that I've made the switch!
I owe a big thank you to Tiffany Encino, a baby carrying, breastfeeding, home birthing and cloth diapering mama. She gave me all the info I would need and was very encouraging. She told me how much of everything I would most likely need and recommended a boutique that would have a great selection and amazing customer service. Rosie Posie Baby, a small boutique in Anaheim CA, was Tiffany's recommendation and my selection for my CD purchase.
Before coming into the store I called Rosie Posie and spoke with Rose. I told her I was new to the CDing world and wasn't sure what I wanted to get, how to cloth diaper and how much I could get for my budget. Rose was great! She had me email her with all the items I was interested in off of her website and the budget I wanted to stay in. I did exactly that and Rose gave me a package that was tailored to my exact needs.
My first impression of Rosie Posie was that this cute but small shop couldn't possibly carry everything that I would need...boy was I wrong. This cozy, hip boutique was filled with tons of goodies from cloth diapers and covers to baby carriers, clothes, shoes, detergent and more. Their saying, "Everything Healthy & Good for Your Baby" is absolutely true when looking around this store. Organic, eco friendly supplies makes this boutique a perfect match for any "earthy" mama OR papa. I was in heaven looking around at all of the items: Petunia Pickle Bottom bags, Ergo, Moby (and more) carriers, adorable onsies, shoes, and the amazing assortments of cloth diaper covers. There were plenty of colors and designs to choose from when picking the diaper cover for my little one. As I talked with Rose about my selection my kids were running wild as daddy was chasing after them. Rose offered the back area of her store which was stocked with toys and had plenty of room to play in. This was definitely a family friendly environment and it made shopping a lot easier.
Cloth diapering is very new to me and I assume it will take some time before I feel completely comfortable with it but so far things are going pretty good and the cute covers with it's velcro and snaps make each diaper changing session enjoyable. How could you not love the adorable designs on the covers?! I could easily buy tons of different covers but thankfully I had my husband there to keep me from going overboard. So far I feel the most comfortable using the "snappi" which keeps the prefold in place by grippers. The "old school" look of the pins and cloth are adorable but it's going to take some time for me to master this. I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised as to how easy cloth diapering is or at least how easy it is compared to what I had originally thought. Here is a YouTube video that demonstrates cloth diapering:
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My son is wearing the thirsties velcro and snap size 2. |
If you are considering cloth diapering there are tons of videos demonstrating CDing and wonderful people (such as Tiffany and Rose =) that are willing to give advice towards making the transition from disposable to CDing much easier. You can also switch over even if you child is a little older. My daughter is almost 2 years old and I am just now CDing her as well as my almost 3 month old. I decided to CD her because she seems interested in potty training so I wanted her to feel wet when she pees and (hopefully) want to use the potty more instead of feeling comfortable in her disposable diaper that soaks up the urine. The great thing about the covers that I purchased is that it can be worn from 3 months to my daughters age. The covers have snaps that can create a smaller or bigger diaper which is great economically.
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